About the book

About the book

Learning Cypher is a practical, hands-on guide to designing, implementing, and querying a Neo4j database quickly and painlessly. Through a number of practical examples, book uncovers all the behaviors that will helps taking advantage of Neo4j effectively, with tips and tricks to help along the way. The book starts with the basic clauses and patterns to perform read-only queries with Cypher. With this book one can master the clauses required to modify a graph. Once the basics are understood properly, then one can learn about tools and practices to improve the performance of queries and how to migrate a database to Neo4j from the ground up. To finish off, the book covers Cypher operators and functions in detail.

This book is useful for anyone who wants to learn how to create, query, and maintain a graph database, or want to migrate to a graph database from SQL.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Book Give-away

Book Give-away: Hold a chance to win free copy of the Learning Cypher, just by commenting! For the contest we have 3 copies of Learning Cypher, to be given away to 3 lucky winners.

How you can win:

To win your copy of this book, all you need to do is come up with a comment below highlighting the reason "why you would like to win this book”.

Duration of the contest & selection of winners:

The contest is valid for a week from 24th to 31st of May, and is open to everyone. Winners will be selected on the basis of their comment posted.


The winners (David, Imran and Ie) will be contacted via e-mail for further instructions.

Thank you all


  1. Let's see. Hummm....
    The reason is ....
    this is the only book on cypher afaik and i'm curious

  2. I've played with cypher a bit, and it seems like a very powerful tool for working in Neo4j. I would love to be able to leverage the technology in more meaningful ways and this book would help me accomplish that goal. Pick me!!!

  3. I am the First person to introduce about neo4j in my university where I am doing my research(Ph.D). Now if I get a book, again I will be the first person to have a book in this latest technology which not even my university library owns one. So I may get a privilege to set a syllabus for my students.

  4. I'm tired of relying on searching google for Cypher examples! I've got graphenedb and neo4jphp doing well for me, but need to get better with cypher now that I can pull data for display! Thanks!

  5. I need this book to use Cypher in the best way in my production environment when I deploy it. I have done the testing in development. I need to make sure that I am using the best Cypher queries (might need to redesign the nodes/relationships/labels)

  6. The winners are: le Wadaël, Imran and David Johnson! Congratulations! Thank you all for partecipating!
